Firm News, Press

C&S partner Blair Dancy publishes “Pleading Into Coverage” in The Advocate, the prestigious quarterly journal published by the Litigation Section of the Texas State Bar

- Blair Dancy

Blair’s article is a good read for lawyers on both sides of the “v.”  It gives important advice, such as, “Avoid alleging facts that cannot be supported at trial. Plead consistent with your facts and with enough detail to get the right parties to the table. An insurer with a defense but no indemnification obligation may hamper settlement discussions.”   Read more


Rare Plaintiff Victory in Wrongful Foreclosure Case

The lawyers of Cain & Skarnulis, an Austin business litigation boutique, recently won two judgments totaling just over $1.0 million in a rare wrongful foreclosure victory, for a small Austin business. Steve Skarnulis and Pat Fitzgerald represented Larry Mathis, owner of SmartMail of Austin, who lost his commercial building at 2200 Tillery Street in Austin, near the Mueller development.   Read more


C&S Energy Ventures, LLC filed in the State of Texas

C&S Energy Ventures, LLC filed as a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the State of Texas on Thursday, January 27, 2011 and is approximately four years old, according to public records filed with Texas Secretary of State. The filing is currently active as of the last data refresh which occurred on Tuesday, April 14, 2015. Charles Cain serves as the Director and Steve Skarnulis was the Director of C&S Energy Ventures, LLC. Steve's additional corporate interests include The Arc of The Capital Area located in Austin, TX . Charles J. Cain is also the registered agent for the company. Also known as a statutory or resident agent, the registered agent is responsible for receiving legal notifications regarding court summons, lawsuits, and other legal actions involving the corporate entity.   Read more