Business is a contact sport. But sometimes it goes further than sharp business practices. The law recognizes this with tort actions. We have experience in cases involving such torts:
Fiduciary litigation
Copyright and trademark violations, including statutory violations both state and federal
Trade dress claims, as well as claims of unfair competition, both common law and statutory
Violations of non-compete agreements
Fraud, misrepresentation, and negligent misrepresentation
Professional Negligence (REC)
Intentional interference with business relations
Defamation and business disparagement
Our firm prosecutes and defends these torts regularly, and successfully. We also have significant experience in the sale and winding up of closely held businesses.
Cain & Skarnulis partner Blair Dancy co-presented “The Art of Peace: Issues and Strategies in Negotiating Coverage Disputes” to the Dallas Insurance Law American Inn of Court on October 15, 2024.