Firm News
C&S named 2021 Best Law Firm
Cain & Skarnulis was recently named a 2021 Best Law Firm by Best Lawyers. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer review publication in the legal profession. Read more
Cain & Skarnulis was recently named a 2021 Best Law Firm by Best Lawyers. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer review publication in the legal profession. Read more
Business owners are quickly having to adapt and address the difficulties surrounding the impact created by the measures necessary to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In addition to the operational changes businesses are implementing, there are legal issues that should be considered. Read more
With a unanimous verdict, Cain & Skarnulis wins case for family-owned KB Concrete Construction, awarding the Austin-based company more than $100,000 in damages and fees. Read more
Firm wins defense verdict and attorney’s fees after week-long trial in “business divorce” case seeking more than $50 million Read more
Cain & Skarnulis filed suit against the City of Houston on behalf of Tri-Stem Utility Bill Audits. Tri-Stem was hired by the city to audit the bills of CenterPoint Energy. The audit uncovered overcharges for thousands of streetlights that were no longer in service. The overcharges were worth tens of millions of dollars, and represented a significant fee to Tri-Stem. Read more